Saturday, January 8, 2011

Easy Steps to Writing an E-book

In case you don’t know what an e-book is, it is very similar to any hard copy book that you may find in your local bookstore or library. The difference is that it is a book format that is digitally delivered as an electronic file on-line. You can read the book from your computer screen, or you can print it to read as a paper-copy as well. You can find e-books in every topic imaginable—everything from a cookbook, novels, travel diaries, works of poetry or even children’s books.

You don’t have to be an expert author to write and e-book, but writing one is much the same as writing any other book. Although with an e-book, you should try to keep it simpler because your viewer may tire more easily reading from their computer screen. One tip is to try to keep paragraphs short and use lots of white space around your text.

E-books can be highly profitable if you find the right niche and audience. Consider that you have very little overhead when writing an e-book. There are no publishing houses to pay or no hard copies to keep in stock. You simply need your computer to store your digital book and an outlet to get it to your market.

The great thing about e-books, as mentioned, is that you don’t really have to be a great author to publish one. All you really need to know is the information you write about. Here are some tips on writing an e-book:

1. Find a Niche: In order to market a successful e-book, you need to do a little research about what your book should be about. You need to know if there is a demand for the topic you are writing about. Do people want to read the material you are selling? Is there a need for it? Do you have new information to share? These questions should be answered before you begin to write. You need to find a good target niche and find out what’s hot on the markets today. Finding a problem that needs solving is always a good place to begin looking for a successful e-book topic.
2. Start with an Outline: The easiest way to start writing an e-book is to begin with an outline. Treat your e-book as a group of articles about your subject. Make your Table of Contents first. Use your Table of Contents as headings for the subject matter you want to cover in the book. Then all you have to do is write an article for each of the headings.
3. Research: It is a good idea to do a little research on your book’s topic, even if you think you know a great deal about it. You may discover new facts or interesting ideas that can set your e-book a step above everyone else’s. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on research, but giving your reader’s up-to-date material should be a priority and will help your e-book be more successful. You should take advantage of the internet as a great tool for you to be informed about your subject.
4. Your First Draft: When you are constructing your first draft of your e-book simply write the articles in accordance with the headings in that you outlined in your Table of Contents. String the articles together in a logical order. These form the chapters of your book. Your first draft does not have to be perfect but should give you the general idea and structure for your e-book. You can edit and revise it as you go along.
5. Graphics: It is a good idea to include some graphics in your book. An e-book is a very visual thing. When you consider that the person reading your ebook will be reading it on their computer screen, it can be very beneficial to include appropriate graphics to give your reader’s eyes a break from the consistent flow of test. You also need to find graphics as an attractive cover for your book to entice people to buy it. You can find royalty-free graphics from the internet, you can take pictures yourself or you can hire a photographer or artist to supply them for you.
6. The Final Draft of Your E-book: After you have put together all the writing, the Table of Contents and the graphics, you should not edit your book and rewrite anything that needs attention. Focus on spelling and grammar and check for unnecessary words or phrases. Keep in mind that the person is reading it on a computer screen so use the least amount of words possible to convey your meaning. Make sure the flow of the book makes sense. Cut out anything unnecessary. Be ruthless in your editing. Make your e-book a quality product that you can be proud of and that your reader’s will appreciate.

Know that you know how easy it is to write an e-book, the only thing left for you to do is begin. Don’t procrastinate, because that is the downfall of many. Begin immediately, and you will soon be on your way to receiving profits from your e-book creation endeavors.

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